Band Boosters Beat a New Tune with BlazeBite!
BlazeBite, Digital Menu, Easy Ordering Solutions, High School Concessions, Mobile Ordering, Online Menu

Band Boosters Beat a New Tune with BlazeBite!

Twinsburg High School Band Boosters Testimonial

Standing in line at a high school concession stand during halftime is pure chaos. If properly staffed, stands are lucky to get through the swirling lines by the start of the second half.

On top of the flocks of fans from the stands, halftime is the only time band members are able to get concessions. This extra influx of even more customers often overwhelms concession stands, making it impossible to serve customers efficiently, especially if people are paying with cash. 

Twinsburg Band Boosters President, Christine, saw that during halftime at their stadium, band members were often rushed for time and sometimes not even serviced. Being that these students and their families are a main priority for the Booster Club, Christine knew something needed to be done. So, the search began for an app or online ordering system that would increase concessions efficiency. After two seasons, the Booster Club finally landed on BlazeBite and the results beat a tune of success.

Better with BlazeBite

With the BlazeBite App, band members were able to order their concessions from their mobile device and pick them up from the BlazeBite Pick-Up Window when they were finished with their halftime performance. This allowed them to skip the long lines and halftime crowds at the concession stand. Christine noted that “only one season in with BlazeBite (Aug 2022-Nov 2022), [Twinsburg Band Boosters] have already noticed amazing results”. In fact, online ordering profit doubled in just this one season! 

BlazeBite proved to have a variety of benefits that the other companies Christine explored did not. Two major benefits Christine continued to note in her testimonial were minimal training needs and the reporting services provided by the BlazeBite App.

Minimal Training 

As most schools do, Twinsburg Band Boosters rely mainly on volunteers to help with concession stand needs. When faced with this model of an ever changing staff, Christine needed to factor in ease of use when looking for an app or online ordering system. BlazeBite was the perfect match. With very minimal training needed, volunteers were able to adapt to using the interfaces quickly and easily. “With no tedious training needed for any of our volunteers”, Christine raved, “the app works itself really well!”. The ease of use flows through the entire experience; from new users, to the kitchen, to the offices. 

BlazeBite Reporting

BlazeBite CEO and reporting guru, Jeff Leahy, has equipped BlazeBite with exquisite reporting services. Reports have always been a major point of differentiation for the company and it shows. Christine explained how BlazeBite reporting has helped her organization in ways she never thought could happen: 

Amazing reporting each week also helps to assist with things we were looking to improve upon but didn’t anticipate an ordering app could do for us (such as basic inventory or patterns of purchases to note) 

Check out this Sample BlazeBite Report!

Other benefits Christine noted are seen below!

● Ease of use 

● Minimal training involved for our (ever changing) team 

● BlazeBite’s future forecast of growth/expansion of their service 

● Exceptional & attentive personal customer service. Their team is amazing to work with! 

● Bluetooth printing capabilities 

● Secure transactions

Example Sales Report when using BlazeBite

Tune In to Teaming Up

Teaming up with BlazeBite has proven results and Twinsburg Band Boosters hasn’t missed a beat since. When asked about the results of implementing BlazeBite, Christine raved about the app’s success.

After our experience, we would strongly encourage many other high school stadiums and booster organizations like us to give BlazeBite a try. We have many consistent users and the comments we have heard through all our communications are 99.99% positive.

While change is scary, customers that have used the BlazeBite App praise the service. Christine laughed at the fact that she’s seen so many people begin weary of using the app only to have a complete change of heart after seeing the value in the service. 

Overall, the BlazeBite App has become a staple to Twinsburg concessions and the Band Boosters. The ease and efficiency of the app has maximized operations and increased sales all while keeping customers promptly satisfied and safe. 

If you know of a school that could benefit from the implementation of BlazeBite, contact us today. We are ready to take you to the future of ordering!

BlazeBite, Twinsburgh, Mobile Ordering