Ultimate BlazeBite Promotion Toolkit

Ultimate BlazeBite Promotion Toolkit

  • Social Media Promotion

    Post regularly on social media to highlight the convenience and benefits of BlazeBite.

  • Email Communication

    Send weekly emails to parents and students promoting the app and its benefits.

  • Pass Out Flyers

    Distribute flyers at ticket booths to explain how BlazeBite works.

  • PA Announcements

    Make frequent announcements during games to encourage fans to download BlazeBite.

  • Stadium Signage

    Place signage throughout the stadium to promote BlazeBite and guide fans to pickup locations.

  • QR Code Promotion

    Have volunteers circulate with QR code signs to help fans download BlazeBite quickly.

  • Pre-Ordering for Band

    Offer pre-ordering for band members to help manage inventory and avoid long lines.

  • Dedicated Volunteers

    Assign volunteers to manage order fulfillment and customer support on-site.

  • Dedicated Pickup Window

    Create a specific pickup line for BlazeBite orders with clear signage.

  • School Newsletter

    Include BlazeBite promotions in the school’s newsletter to reach parents and students.

  • Mascot Promotion

    Have mascots promote BlazeBite at games and events.

  • Booster Club Meetings

    Present BlazeBite at booster club meetings to gain support and spread the word.